Medicinal Chemistry

Medicinal chemistry is a common practice in pharmaceutical research and development. It describes the steps in the process from target definition, lead discovery and evaluation up first studies related to metabolism, pharmacokinetics and toxicology.
The focus is set on the discovery of new drugs, mainly based on small organic molecules. Those can be the result of classic organic-chemical synthesis, out of natural products or out of the computational chemistry in combination with chemical biology, enzymology and structural biology.
Interaction of scientist’s various disciplines enables an efficient and target driven workflow. Shimadzu provides instrumentation for both analytical and preparative work used during this process.
Applications for Medicinal Chemistry
Improved Efficiency of Isomer Preparative Operations by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography with Stacked Injection

Preparative processes are used in a wide variety of elds, such as for selectively screening seed or lead compounds from newly synthesized compounds, or for structural analysis of impurities in pharmaceuticals or components with specific functional properties in natural substances. Preparative supercritical fluid chromatography (preparative SFC) is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry and many other elds because it can shorten analysis times and simplify post-processing. For analysis involving a limited number of peaks, such as when separating isomers of chiral compounds, stacked injection can improve the efficiency of preparative purification. This report describes an example of using the stacked injection functionality of the Nexera UC Prep preparative supercritical fluid chromatograph system to improve the efficiency of preparative operations
Highly Effective Purification of Drug Compounds

High throughput purification is required in various fields. Preparative LC is widely used for purification of compounds., but it takes a long time. Additionally, high consumption of organic solvents leads to ineffective running cost. Here, we introduce a high throughput and low running cost preparative SFC purification.
High Throughput Preparative LC with Auto Switching Dilution Injection Function

Preparative LC is a widely used purification technique. High throughput purification is required in various industries. However, large volume injection, which is required to achieve high throughput purification, causes peak broadening. This article introduces a large amount of injection and a high throughput preparative LC using dilution injection.
Isolation and identification of Atorvastatin degradation impurities by UFPLC

Atorvastatin is an antilipemic drug belonging to the statin class, whose reference drug is Lipitor® (trademark by Pfizer). It is used to reduce the level of lipoproteins rich in cholesterol and reduce the risk of coronary artery disease. The drug in question is commonly sought after by pharmaceutical industries that produces generic drugs, due to the fact that the drug has a high value price, it is consumed globally, and its patent expired in late 2010. Atorvastatin has been found to degrade under acid and basic conditions. Prominence UFPLC enables the fast recovery of highly purified target compounds from complex samples such as organic synthesis reaction mixtures and natural products.